Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lil Wayne Ex-Wife, Toya Wright Confirms Separation From Her Husband, Memphitz

Mickey/Memphitz and Toya Wright

There has been numerous speculations that Lil Wayne ex wife, Toya Wright is having problems in her marriage to Memphitz. In an exclusive interview with NecoleBitchie, Toya finally speaks up and admits that the rumors are indeed true. Read the interview below!

[On Meeting Her Husband Memphtiz and Him Having a Good Heart]

Could you just kind of walk us through, not only how you met Memphitz but how he was able to get you and get your attention?

Well, I met Mickey when he was working on T-Pain’s project. T-Pain had an album release party, I think it was at Madonna’s mansion or something like that, and we were there, we were on the shuttle and I got on the shuttle with my friend- my friend used to braid his hair- and he looked at me, and my friend was like ‘Oh, I know him, I used to braid his hair.’

And anyway, long story short, he came up to me and asked me my name and everybody was telling him ‘Oh, don’t talk to her, that’s Wayne’s ex wife. N*gga don’t do that.’ So we exchanged numbers and we’d talk and talk. We were friends for like, two years. I’ve been knowing him now for eight years and we were married now going on four years.

He just has a good heart. He’s a genuine person, he’s very respectful. And it’s crazy that I say these things because the person that he portrays to be on Instagram these last few months is not really who he is. That’s a part of the crazy sh*t that [allegations] have turned him into. I’m like- who are you? I don’t even know you.

[On the status of her and Memphtiz relationship and Why He’s Acting Out]

The current status of me and my husband [is] we are separated at the moment. And, we’re just- everybody has their marital issues. And right now, you know, we’re separated.

I mean, what is going on with my husband, like I said when I spoke on it, is bigger than me. Mickey has been going through something for the last few years since the whole lawsuit thing against his ex [K. Michelle] and Viacom and it really took a toll on him and it caused him to be a different person. So I think that, going through all of those things, and having all of that stress and the world looking at you one way as a ‘woman beater’ and person that steals someone’s money. It’s hard for you to get back into your industry when you had a career and not a [just] job and somebody defames your character. I mean, it’s a lot to deal with day to day.

And I watched it. I went through it with him for three years. And I’ve been to counseling with him and all types of things so he can get back strong. It’s a lot for him that’s on him and choosing to live our marriage publicly. Everybody has an opinion and when somebody has the bigger platform to share their story and the other person doesn’t, it kind of gets one-sided.

And for him- I always get upset when he reacts out of anger on social media because I know that’s not really him and that it’s coming from a bitter, angry place because the world has turned him into that person, constantly accusing him of doing this and doing that and he’s constantly struggling to get back to what he had.

[On Memphitz Falling into Her “Shadow” Once They Married]

When I met him, he had a career. He was a self-made guy with his own. And then to fall back into my shadow and then to be known as a ‘woman beater’ it’s kind of a lot.

I’m just praying for him and praying for our situation. I’m a person that is all about love and our family and I don’t like to give up. Especially being married two times. I don’t even like to go through the whole dating stage and all of that. I love my husband and I’m praying that we can get through this and he can get back right to the person that I met because he’s not the person that I met. This whole situation has changed him into someone else.

You know he started to blame me, for- you know- he had the opportunity when it first happened to go on the show and um-

Which show is that, Toya? That he had a chance to go on?

Love & Hip Hop. He wanted me to go on the show with him. Well, the producer wanted me on the show but that’s not really my thing and I was like ‘No, we’re newlyweds. And we have kids.’

That show don’t really represent what I represent as a woman. I was like, ‘Nah, I don’t want to do that,’ because it’s so much drama.  Not that I have anything against it, it’s just not for me.

So, he felt like, it was my fault that he didn’t go on the show and he had the opportunity to defend himself. We took another route and that route caused him to get blackballed in the industry and he kind of blames me for that and I have to deal with that every day.

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