On Thursday (Feb 11th), Kanye West debuted his first Yeezy collection with Adidas Originals, and all the big names were in attendance. The front row was a who’s who of music and fashion elite including BeyoncĂ©, Jay Z, Rihanna, Diddy, Cassie, 2 Chainz, and Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour. Also in attendance were Justin Bieber, Big Sean, and Pusha T also showed up to support Mr. West rocking and wore their $350 Yeezys.
Kim Kardashian West was joined by her mother Kris Jenner and sisters Khloe and Kendall, while North West sat in her mother’s lap. But the one-and-a-half-year-old grew impatient and started crying before her mother carried her backstage (I am guessing kids shouldn't be at fashion show?)
Check out more photos below!
Aww, poor baby North crying.
You can pretty much tell Beyonce hates Kim